Judo chop!

Hey guys!  My name is Kristy and I am a certified Horticulturist, which is code for Plant Ninja Bad Ass!!!!  I started this blog as a way to invite people into my world and my love of nature, specifically here in South Florida.  Down here in the South, it's hot, humid, and crowded, but our warm tropical and temperate weather let's us grow some amazingly beautiful plants all year round :) which to me, is a huge check in the positive.

I want to squash the beliefs that only a talented or lucky few can be good at gardening or that you either have a green thumb or a black one, Eek!  That's just silly (insert English accent).  With the right tools, education, love, and a heart open to experimenting and growing,  we all can care for world we live in and add to it's beauty.

So I hope y'all stick around, like what you read, laugh a lot, or at least chuckle, at the wacky adventures I have, and enjoy the photos I will be sharing ☺️💜🦄

Much love and magic.

Kristy Leigh :)
